Cookies Policy

Welcome to Eeasy4U! We are committed to ensuring the privacy and safety of our users in the course of a tailored browsing experience. This Cookies Policy outlines how we use cookies to collect and manage data on our website.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that saved on your device (computer, tablet, mobile) when you visit our website. This helps us remember your preferences, collect information on site traffic, and is processed in a safe manner during login.

Types of Data Collected

Our cookies collect the following types of data:

  • User Preferences: It’ll help make your experience even better with information about your settings and preferences.
  • Site Traffic: Data about the number of visits, the number of viewed pages, and visiting patterns on our website.
  • Login Information: Securely manage and facilitate logins to maintain user sessions.

Purpose of Collecting Data

The data collected through cookies helps us achieve the following:

  • Enhance User Experience

When you visit our site, we can provide a more seamless and personalized experience by remembering your preferences.

  • Analyze Site Traffic and Usage Patterns

We can upgrade our services and content as we get better at understanding the engagement of the user. It actually helps us identify popular features in order to make data-driven decisions for optimizing their performance.

  • Securely Manage and Facilitate Logins

Cookies will enable us to keep your user sessions secure, thus keeping your login information safe, while offering you a consistent and smooth login experience.

Types of Cookies We Use

  • Essential Cookies: Accepting these cookies protects the User’s rights and privacy through allowing the website to function as required and provide security controls, network management, and website accessibility.
  • Performance Cookies: These cookies gather information related to the operation of visitors on our website for its functioning and improvement.
  • Functional Cookies: These cookies enable our site to remember the preferences and choices you’ve made, therefore giving an enhanced experience that enables customization of features.
  • Analytics Cookies: These cookies help us know how visitors use our website, such that the insights enable us to functionally and experientially enhance the website.

Managing Cookies

You may change the acceptance of cookie settings through your web browser. Please, keep in mind that the deactivation of some cookies will affect your experience within our site and may limit certain functionalities.

How to Manage Cookies

Most browsers allow you to manage your cookie preferences through their settings. Here’s how you can do it in popular browsers:

  • Google Chrome: Settings > Privacy and Security > Cookies and other site data
  • Mozilla Firefox: Settings > Privacy & Security > Cookies and Site Data
  • Safari: Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data
  • Microsoft Edge: Settings > Cookies and site permissions

Changes to Our Cookies Policy

Eeasy4U reserves the right to make changes to this Cookies Policy whenever deemed necessary. Any such changes shall be communicated on our website, and we encourage you to re-visit this policy from time to time.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Cookies Policy, please contact us at:

Thank you for choosing Eeasy4U. We appreciate your trust in us and are dedicated to providing you with a secure and personalized browsing experience.